The Hall’s Haven


House Updates

Ok- so I would say that my blogging resolution is not going so well.... ahh! I WILL be better!
Here are some updated photos of the house. This is our beautiful brick. Like EVERYTHING, it was so hard for me to pick a color from a tiny little sample. I wanted something with red. The brick turned out MUCH darker than I had thought, and with more brown that red, but I am completely in love. It is perfect! And I love the sawtooth design that Casey and our mason decided on. Love Love Love how it turned out!


The White's said...

Your hair cut storey makes me miss you and your family. But they all so look cute with the new "trims"

Yes your house looks great!! Im so excited for you and I also LOVE the brick.

Natalie said...

Alyson I love the brick!! I'm so excited for your house to be done! Let me know when you wanna pick out your fixtures!! :)

Em said...

LOVE IT! It looks great!!

Michele said...

how exciting! It's looking really cute! (if a house can be "cute"?)

Shane and Geana said...

The brick looks awesome, especially the pattern.

Erin said...

I love you brick also. It is so much fun to see everything come together. I can't wait to walk through you house, I will come when things get back to normal.

Alisa said...

I love you brick too! I mean to tell you everytime I see you and forget. I love watching your house progress.

Kaedell Ellis said...

Looking good you guys! I love the brick and the design. So EXCITING!!! I bet you just can hardly wait to move in!