The Hall’s Haven


Every little bit counts...

We have a roof! :)


Wendi said...'s coming along!!! Fun to see the progress.

PS. good luck with CJ...good thing he has such a good little disposition-hopefully it will make things easier!

The White's said...

O my, your house is a house!! I knew I would be suprizzed nad Iam. See you Saturday

Michele said...

That's so exciting!

Norma said...

walls,openings, it looks great. If I was close I would probably be the inspector for progress everyday. Loni;s builders told me one morning I was to early. I hope the raps work on your little ones legs. Aunt Vicki went through with Todd.
Love you guys.

Em said...


Erin said...

Looks great. How fun, but stressful. Good Luck!